
The Ministry of Economy presented the draft National Energy and Climate Plan until 2030

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The Ministry of Economy has released the draft National Energy and Climate Plan, which outlines goals for Ukraine's energy sector for 2025-2030, including decarbonization of the energy sector by 2050 and the economy as a whole by 2060.

The Ministry of Economy has released the draft National Energy and Climate Plan, which presents goals and plans for the energy sector from 2025 to 2030, UNN reports.


The Ministry of Economy notes that the draft National Energy and Climate Plan released for public discussion is a strategic document aimed at harmonizing energy and climate policies to ensure sustainable development and economic recovery of Ukraine. Such plans are a requirement for all EU member states and contracting parties to the Energy Community.

The development of the National Plan and its further implementation is one of the most important tasks in the process of our country's membership in the European Union. This Plan provides an understanding of our further actions, and its implementation will become the foundation for a green transition and open up significant business opportunities for us in the energy sector, processing industry, green steel production and other industries

- said Deputy Minister Oleksiy Sobolev.

The document envisages the implementation of key energy and climate measures related to the five dimensions of the Energy Union.

It includes a decarbonization plan:

  • reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 65% compared to 1990 levels;
  • climate neutrality of Ukraine's energy sector by 2050; climate neutrality (for the economy as a whole) by 2060;
  • decommissioning of coal-fired generation by 2035; reduction of methane emissions by 30% by 2030;
  • strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of social, economic and environmental systems to climate change;
  • Increasing the use of alternative fuels (biofuels or their mixtures) and electricity in the transportation sector to 50% by 2030.

An energy efficiency plan has also been developed, which stipulates that electricity consumption in 2030 should not exceed 72,224 thousand tons of oil equivalent, and final energy consumption should not exceed 42,168 thousand tons of oil equivalent. The total amount of energy saved in end-use for 2021-2030 should be at least 16,405 thousand tons of oil equivalent.

The third point of the plan is energy security, which will include:

  • reducing the level of import dependence to 33%;
  • deepening the diversification of sources and routes of energy supplies from third countries at the level of no more than 30% from one supplier and reducing the share of one supplier in the nuclear fuel market to 60%.

The fourth point of the plan is the domestic energy market: electricity and gas. The action plans will provide for 10% integration of Ukraine's energy system with ENTSO-E countries by 2030; integration of Ukraine's electricity and gas markets with the European market; free energy prices for all consumers with effective mechanisms to support vulnerable groups of the population; and ensuring that energy market players do not have a debt burden.

Обговорили питання інтеграції енергетичних ринків України до ринків ЄС: Галущенко зустрівся з єврокомісаром з питань енергетики13.02.24, 15:24

The plan also envisages the introduction of "smart metering" of electricity and "smart grids"; reduction of power outages to 150 minutes in urban areas and 300 minutes in rural areas (by 2050) and reduction of technological losses in grids by at least 30% by 2030.

In addition, the plan envisages increasing and promoting biomethane production; ensuring 100% of gas metering; introducing accurate and complete commercial gas metering; achieving adequate domestic production; and free pricing with mechanisms to support vulnerable consumers.

В Україні відкрився перший біометановий завод — Мінагрополітики13.04.23, 06:21 • [views_1567800]

The fifth point of the plan provides for the development and financing of innovation and research in the clean technology, renewable energy and low-carbon production sectors; implementation of clean energy solutions and low-carbon technologies and improvement of competitiveness.


In December, at the COP28 climate summit, Ukraine presented the initial version of the National Energy and Climate Plan for 2025-2030. The Ministry of Economy reported that the plan calls for increasing the share of renewable energy sources and reducing emissions.

ЄС оприлюднить кліматичні цілі до 2040 року в умовах політичної напруженості та критики з боку правих - AFP06.02.24, 10:43


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