
The list includes more than 300 individuals and companies: The United States imposes a large-scale package of sanctions against Russia

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The United States imposed new large-scale sanctions against more than 300 Russian individuals and legal entities, including VTB, Sberbank, Promsvyazbank, the Moscow Stock Exchange, SOGAZ, and Arctic LNG projects. The restrictions also include defense companies and Chinese firms that supply goods to support Russia's war in Ukraine.

On Wednesday, June 12, Washington imposed a new large-scale package of sanctions against Russia. The updated list includes more than 300 individuals and legal entities. This was reported by UNN with reference to the US State Department.


The sanctions were introduced to reduce Russia's ability to evade the sanctions. The new restrictions are aimed at organizations in third countries, including China.

The decision is expected to limit "Russia's future energy profits, as previous sanctions have halted the development of Russia's Arctic LNG 2 project and other future Russian energy projects.

США запроваджують санкції проти іранських компаній, пов’язаних з виробництвом БпЛА та передачу їх рф04.06.24, 03:51 • [views_30190]

Restrictive measures were also directed against the Russian military-industrial base, Belarusian enterprises that support the Russian military machine, and persons involved in the deportation of Ukrainian children.


The U.S. Treasury Department saidthat the sanctions include VTB, Sberbank, and Promsvyazbank, including its offices in China, Kyrgyzstan, and India.

Японія планує розширити санкції на компанії з Китаю за поставки військових матеріалів у рф12.06.24, 04:43 • [views_129131]

The new sanctions list also includes the Moscow Stock Exchange and related organizations, the SOGAZ insurance company, the Arctic LNG-1 and Arctic LNG-3 gas wells, Uralvagonzavod, Kirovenergomash, Murom Machine-Building Plant, seven Chinese-based companies that supplied goods to support Russia's war in Ukraine, and the head of the Gagauz Autonomy in Moldova, Evgenia Gutsul

In addition, the United States imposed a ban on the supply of software and IT to any person in Russia.


The G7 and the European Union are working on a new package of sanctions against Russia. Among other things, they are discussing restrictions against banks that use the Bank of Russia's Financial Messaging System (BMS), the Russian equivalent of SWIFT. 

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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