At its meeting on June 28, the Cabinet of Ministers extended the agreement between the government of Ukraine and the World Food Program (WFP) to open a WFP office in Ukraine. This was announced by the government's representative in parliament, Taras Melnychuk, reports UNN.
The draft Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the World Food Program (WFP) on the extension of the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the World Food Program (WFP) on the opening of the WFP Office in Ukraine was approved
According to him, the WFP office in Ukraine will be reopened to ensure prompt response to emergencies, including the distribution of aid to the affected regions. The WFP office in Ukraine will also promote cooperation in the context of Ukrainian companies' participation in the procurement of agricultural and food products for the needs of WFP international humanitarian projects.
Гроші від США, ЄС і МВФ: Шмигаль розповів про ключові домовленості із партнерами 28.06.24, 14:45