
The enemy cannot attack from belarus, but uses information threat - Center for Countering Disinformation

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russia lacks the strength to attack Ukraine from Belarus, but it uses this topic for information warfare.

russia does not have the forces and capabilities to attack Ukraine from belarus, but uses this topic in the information field. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation, UNN writes.

Today, the enemy does not have the forces and means to attack Ukraine from the territory of belarus. However, russia will continue to pump this topic in the media

- the statement said.

According to Andriy Kovalenko, head of the Center for Countering Disinformation, an officer of the Defense Forces, the enemy's goal is to stretch our forces and reserves and affect our logistics.

To do this, they will escalate the situation with information so that our command pays more attention to this area. However, belarus is under constant surveillance

- he noted.

According to him, we need to remember that we have a large front with active and inactive zones. According to Kovalenko, russia views the Ukrainian-belarusian border as a zone of tension.

Of course, the Defense Forces have long been prepared for threats from this direction and have taken all the necessary measures. At present, such a threat lies exclusively in the information plane

- He summarized.


Joint air force and air defense exercises with russia began in belarus on May 27, the Belarusian Defense Ministry reported. According to the defense ministry, the exercises are "aimed at solving the tasks of covering state and military facilities from air strikes.

"Майдан-3": у ЦПД попередили про нову хвилю дезінформаційної кампанії рф проти України 20.05.24, 13:44


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