
The decision has not yet been made, but it will be: Energy Ministry on tariff hike

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The Ministry of Energy is discussing an increase in electricity tariffs for households due to the significant loss of more than 8 GW of generating capacity caused by Russian attacks on energy infrastructure since March.

The decision to raise the electricity tariff for household consumers has not yet been made, discussions and calculations are ongoing. Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Svitlana Hrynchuk said this on the air of We-Ukraine TV channel, UNN informs.

"No decision has been made to raise tariffs yet. But let's be honest, we are discussing it and making calculations. We have to be aware that since March 22, the Russians have been massively attacking our energy facilities and targeting them very closely. To date, we have already lost more than 8 gigawatts of generating capacity, which is a huge amount, and the transmission system facilities have been severely damaged. It is currently costing us superhuman efforts to keep the system in stable operation. And preparing for the next heating season is another big challenge. We are now actively preparing, including calculating the resources we can rely on to prepare for the heating season. Obviously, a slight increase in the tariff will take place, but the decision has not yet been made, discussions are ongoing," she said. 

Most likely, the increase in the electricity tariff will take place in the near future, Hrynchuk added. 

Міненерго обгворює підвищення тарифів на світло – Гринчук10.05.24, 09:53


Since March, Russian troops have been systematically attacking energy infrastructure facilities, resulting in more than 8 GW of total losses, including today's attacks.


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