
The commander of the russian federation received 10 years for ordering to shoot at a civilian who refused to bury the body of a friend in a pit

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a russian military leader was sentenced to 10 years in prison for ordering the shooting of a civilian who refused to bury the body of a friend in a pit.

The court sentenced the commander of a russian military unit to 10 years in prison for ordering shooting at a civilian who refused to bury the body of a friend in a pit. This is reported by the Office of the prosecutor general, reports UNN.


As a result of a public accusation by prosecutors of the Sumy regional prosecutor's office, the commander of the 5th battery of the 147th self-propelled artillery regiment of the ground forces of the russian federation was found guilty of violating the laws and customs of war under Articles 28 and 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The court issued him a sentence in absentia of 10 years in prison.

During the trial, prosecutors demonstrated that on March 9, 2022, the commander of a military unit of the russian federation participated in an attack on a civilian who, together with a friend, was driving a car along the Sumy – Poltava road.

During the shelling of the checkpoint by the military, the passenger of the car was killed. Despite this, the commander and his subordinates forced the driver to take them in a certain direction. Later, the attackers tried to hide the crime by ordering the woman's body to be buried.

Now there is an investigation into the persons who directly carried out the shelling of the car and killed the woman, as well as those who gave orders regarding this crime.

Колишнього співробітника ДСНС засуджено до 10 років за співпрацю з російськими окупантами17.04.24, 02:53

Julia Kotvitskaya



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