
The case of genocide: UN Court to rule on jurisdiction on Friday

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On Friday, the UN top court will rule on whether it has jurisdiction to hear the case filed by Ukraine

On Friday, the UN top court will rule on whether it has jurisdiction over a case brought by Ukraine, which accuses Russia of violating international law by using a false genocide charge as a pretext for an invasion in 2022, UNN reports citing AP.


Ukraine filed a lawsuit with the International Court of Justice a few days after the start of a full-scale war in 2022.

Russia has ignored the ruling of the Hague Court to cease hostilities.

Moscow ignored the hearing on provisional measures in 2022, but filed an objection to the court's jurisdiction. During the 2023 hearings, Russian lawyers asked the court to dismiss the complaint, calling the case an "abuse of process".

On Wednesday, the court will reportedly rule on a separate case between Russia and Ukraine. In this case, brought under the anti-discrimination treaty and the convention on the financing of terrorism, Ukraine asked the court to order Moscow to pay reparations for attacks and crimes in the region. This includes the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 on July 17, 2014, which killed all 298 passengers and crew, the newspaper said.

ПАРЄ ухвалила резолюцію, яка закликає країни-члени визнати депортацію українських дітей рф геноцидом25.01.24, 12:58


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