
The Cabinet of Ministers is working on the creation of the Government Center - Nemchinov

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The Cabinet of Ministers is working on a draft law to create a Government Center that will be responsible for the quality of documents and consolidate the functions currently performed by four regulatory ministries.

The Cabinet of Ministers is working on a draft law on the formation of a government center that will be responsible for the quality of documents. The draft law is expected to be presented in May. This was stated by the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers Oleh Nemchinov during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN.

In the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers, in accordance with the legislative work plan that we agree with the Verkhovna Rada, we are developing a draft law on the formation of the Government Center. And we envision that a professional body can be created around the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers, around the functions that are currently performed by 4 regulatory ministries - the Ministries of Finance, Economy, Justice, and Digital Transformation - to ensure the quality of documents

- Nemchinov said.

He noted that such bodies exist in the vast majority of countries.

This is more about efficiency than politics. It is about high-quality preparation of documents, quick and correct approval of these documents, and analysis of documents submitted to government meetings

- Nemchinov added.

According to him, the draft law on the formation of the Government Center is scheduled for the second quarter of 2024.

We see it as a rather complex document. It needs to be approved not only within the team, but also harmonized with the current legislation. In May, we plan to present it at the expert level, at a meeting of the Coordination Council for Public Administration Reform. After that, it will be submitted to a government meeting and, of course, if it is supported by the government, it will be submitted to the session hall

- the minister added.


In March, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal announced plans to reduce the number of ministries by a third, and also announced the creation of a Government Center, which provides for the provision of appropriate legal steps, support in the personnel, accounting, and legal fields, and the preparation of documents that are required for a particular ministry in terms of resolutions and orders in a timely manner.

"Україна робить свою частину, коли йдеться про реформи": Стефанішина закликала ЄС ухвалити переговорні рамки у червні01.05.24, 13:19


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