
Thailand considers restrictions on mango exports due to russian tourists

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Thailand is considering restricting mango exports due to complaints from locals that russian tourists take too much fruit out of the country.

Thailand is considering restrictions on the export of mangoes because of russian tourists. This is reported by the russian media, UNN reports.


Thailand is considering imposing restrictions on the export of mangoes, especially because of russian tourists.

Residents of Phuket are the most active in complaining about the tourists. They expressed their dissatisfaction by posting photos from the airport on social media, showing russians taking out rare fruits in boxes in animal carriers and other hand luggage.

It was also noted that this practice could lead to higher mango prices due to foreign demand.


Local residents called for restrictions on the export of fruit for foreigners, calling the visitors "bad people".

В Таїланді заборонять рекреаційне вживання канабісу07.02.24, 00:30

Julia Kotvitskaya



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