
Texas opens new defense plant that will produce artillery shells for Ukraine

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The new facility, which was built in less than a year, focuses on shells for 155-millimeter howitzers, which have become key in military operations in Ukraine.

In the state of Texas, the construction of a plant is being completed, which will soon produce 30 thousand 155-mm artillery shells per month. It is expected that Ukraine will receive these ammunition. This is reported by The New York Times., transmits UNN.


It is noted that this is the First New large-scale Pentagon plant built after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. The publication says that the company is focused on shells for 155-mm howitzers, which have become key in military operations in Ukraine.

рф виробляє артилерійські снаряди втричі швидше, ніж західні союзники України - Sky News26.05.24, 18:51

Construction of the plant began recently. Just a year ago, the North Texas neighborhood was just a dirt field, but millions of dollars from Congress helped General Dynamics nearly complete construction in 10 months. 

The facility, worth more than доларів 500 million, was funded by additional costs for fiscal years 2022 and 2023 and includes advanced manufacturing technologies and automation for the production of large-caliber metal parts.


The NYT recalls that last year the Pentagon set a goal to produce 100 thousand shells per month by the end of 2025. Currently, the existing plants together produce about 36 thousand shells per month, and the new plant in Texas will provide another 30 thousand when it reaches full capacity.

It is expected that the remaining ammunition will be produced by a defense firm from Ohio.


US President Joe Biden said that the United States is ready to transfer part of its own weapons reserves to Ukraine and restore them thanks to purchases from American suppliers. According to him, this will bring "investment in America's Industrial Base" and provide jobs in many states.

The Economist: поставки снарядів Україні затягнулося через дефіцит вибухівки27.05.24, 05:25


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Texas opens new defense plant that will produce artillery shells for Ukraine

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