
TCC representatives can serve summonses around the clock: what is known

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According to a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, representatives of the TCC can serve calls to reservists and persons liable for military service around the clock in various places, including places of residence, work, public places and checkpoints.

Representatives of the TCC can serve summonses to reservists and persons liable for military service around the clock. This is stated in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 16, 2024, No. 560, UNN reports.

Reservists and persons liable for military service are served around the clock at the address of their place of residence or the address of their declared/registered place of residence, work, study, in public places, public buildings and structures, crowded places, territorial recruitment and social support centers, at checkpoints (roadblocks), checkpoints across the state border of Ukraine 

- the resolution says.

It is noted that they have the right to serve summonses:

- Representatives of territorial recruitment and social support centers - within the administrative territory covered by the powers of the respective territorial recruitment and social support center;

- representatives of structural subdivisions of district and city state administrations (military administrations) - within the administrative territory covered by the powers of the respective district and city state administration (military administration);

- Representatives of executive bodies of village, town, city, district councils in cities (if established) - within the administrative boundaries of settlements and territories covered by the powers of the respective executive bodies of village, town, city, district councils in cities (if established);

- representatives of enterprises, institutions, organizations - on the territory of enterprises (institutions, organizations) and in places where employees perform work (duties);

- Representatives of the relevant unit of the intelligence agencies, the Central Directorate or regional bodies of the SSU (only reservists and persons liable for military service who are registered with these bodies) - throughout Ukraine.

Військовозобов'язані можуть отримувати повістки на роботі — Міноборони20.05.24, 07:03


On May 18 , specific provisions of the law on mobilization came into force. Now, all persons liable for military service must update their data - phone number, e-mail, if any, and actual place of residence - within 60 days. This can be done in three ways - through the TCC, the ASC or an electronic cabinet.


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