
"Such a possibility exists, but most likely after the so-called presidential elections in Russia." Yusov on the new wave of mobilization in Russia

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A representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Andriy Yusov, claims that Russia may provoke a new wave of mobilization, possibly after the presidential election. He suggests that Russia is continuing its recruitment practices, which include the forced signing of contracts and the use of international mercenaries.

Currently, there is a possibility of mobilization in Russia, but not in February, but most likely after the so-called presidential elections in Russia. This was stated during a press conference by a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, Andriy Yusov, a correspondent of UNN reports.


As for the new wave of mobilization, it is possible, but most likely after the so-called presidential elections in Russia. Currently, sustainable mobilization activities continue on the territory of the Russian Federation, including recruitment, forced signing of contracts, and other involvement of both international mercenaries and prisoners. That is, all these practices continue in Russia

- Yusov said when asked about the possible mobilization of 200,000 troops in February.

Проросійська партія AfD прагне зробити Німеччину подібною до росії – віце-канцлер Габек17.01.24, 15:58


The National Resistance Center reported that the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine is escalatingas Russians are forcing Ukrainians to register with fake "military commissariats" as part of the forced passportization process.

Білоруська армія не залучалася і не залучається до війни проти України - ГУР17.01.24, 16:41

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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