In 2025, the subsistence minimum and social payments tied to it will remain at the level of 2024 and will amount to 2920 hryvnias per month, UNN reports.
According to the Law "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2025", starting from January 1, the subsistence minimum per person per month will be UAH 2,920 for the main social and demographic groups:
children under the age of 6 - UAH 2563;
children aged 6 to 18 years - UAH 3196;
able-bodied persons - UAH 3,028;
able-bodied persons, which is used to determine the base salary of a judge, is UAH 2102;
able-bodied persons, which is used to determine the official salaries of employees of other state bodies whose remuneration is regulated by special laws, as well as employees of tax and customs authorities, is UAH 2102;
able-bodied persons, which is used to determine the official salary of a prosecutor of the district prosecutor's office, is UAH 1600;
persons who lost their ability to work - UAH 2,361;
for persons who have lost their ability to work, which is used to determine the amount of additional payment for living in areas of radioactive contamination, including by court decision - UAH 1600.
Ukraine may cancel the subsistence minimum: is there an alternative17.08.24, 16:47 • [views_26005]
The subsistence minimum is the value of a set of foodstuffs sufficient to ensure the normal functioning of the human body and preserve its health, as well as a minimum set of non-food products and a minimum set of services necessary to meet the basic social and cultural needs of the individual.
The subsistence minimum applies to:
general assessment of the standard of living in Ukraine, which is the basis for the implementation of social policy and the development of individual state social programs;
Setting the minimum wage and minimum retirement pension, determining the amount of social assistance, assistance to families with children, unemployment benefits, as well as scholarships and other social benefits based on the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine;
determining the right to social assistance;
defining state social guarantees and standards of service and provision in the areas of healthcare, education, social services, and others;
setting the amount of the tax-free minimum income of citizens;
formation of the state budget and local budgets.
The subsistence minimum also affects the payment of alimony. The minimum guaranteed amount of alimony per child is not less than 50% of the subsistence minimum for a child of the corresponding age. For a child under 6 years of age, it is UAH 1281.5, and for a child under 18 years of age, it is UAH 1598.
The subsistence minimum also affects the amount of the minimum pension, which is calculated from the subsistence minimum for persons who have lost their ability to work, i.e. the minimum pension this year will be UAH 2361.
In addition, the size of the subsistence minimum affects the amount of maternity benefits, which, according to the Law "On State Assistance to Families with Children," is provided at the rate of 100% of the average monthly income (scholarships, cash benefits, unemployment benefits, etc.) of a woman.
For women who are not employed and are not registered with the Employment Center, the amount of maternity benefits is 25% of the subsistence minimum, i.e. UAH 730.