
Subjected to pressure and threats: Ombudsperson's representatives visited children in a special educational institution in Lviv region and found new data

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Although during the individual assessment of their needs, the children in the Lviv region expressed caution, some children opened up during the long conversation, reporting psychological pressure and confirming the events in which they had been abused.

Writes UNN with reference to the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets.


In a new report, the Ombudsman described the current situation with the observance of children's rights in a training and rehabilitation center in Lviv region.

On October 7 and 8, on my behalf, the staff of the Commissioner's Secretariat made a second visit to the institution, where an individual assessment of the children's needs was being conducted at that time,” Lubinets said.

The Ombudsman assumes that the staff of the institution probably conducted preliminary work with the children, explaining what they could and could not say.

However, during the long conversation, some children opened up and told their stories.

Очікую дієвих кроків: Лубінець відреагував на відео зі знущанням над дітьми у спецзакладі на Львівщині07.10.24, 14:19

According to the information of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, the inmates of the institution confirmed the following:

Some children reported psychological pressure, violence and threats;

Others reported witnessing violence against other inmates of the facility.

This shows that these children need long-term support from a psychologist or mentor rather than one-time help.

- said Dmytro Lubinets.

Another important aspect concerns the placement and education of children.

According to the preliminary results of the individual assessment of children's needs, more than half of the children should not have been in the institution, the Ombudsman emphasized.

The children are pedagogically neglected, which is a possible consequence of the provision of low-quality educational services or placement of children in an institution based on outdated conclusions of inclusive resource centers. These children are recommended to be placed in family-based care or provided with inclusive education or education in a secondary education institution.

- the post reads.

Lubinets reminded that the pre-trial investigation into the abuse of children in the educational and rehabilitation center in Lviv region is ongoing.

It was also noted that the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, expects “urgent relocation of children in order to prevent pressure and violence against them, and reunification of siblings.

Знущанням над дітьми у спецзакладі на Львівщині: виховательці центру оголосили про підозру07.10.24, 19:19

Ihor Telezhnikov



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