
Storm in Crimea: the occupiers estimated losses at more than $46 million

 • 32164 переглядiв

The Russian-appointed head of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, reported that the storm damage on the peninsula amounted to USD 46.5 million, with 436,000 applications for compensation.

The invaders estimated the damage caused by the storm in Crimea at 42 billion rubles (46.5 million US dollars). Krym.Realii writes referring to the so-called "head" of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov, UNN reports.


The Russian-appointed head of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, claims that all coastal cities have severely damaged embankments and coastal defenses.

In addition, according to the pseudo-head, the occupation authorities of the peninsula have received 436,000 applications for compensation payments.


A strong storm hit the Crimean peninsula on November 27.

Earlier it was reported that the occupiers estimated the damage from the storm in Crimea at almost 40 billion rubles.  

В Криму через шторм загинуло п’ятеро людей01.12.23, 14:38

Anna Onishchenko



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