
Stoltenberg: Allies may agree on creation of fund to support Ukraine by July

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The NATO Secretary General expects that by the next NATO summit in July, the allies will have agreed to create a new multi-year fund of 100 billion euros to provide long-term military support to Ukraine.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expects that by the next summit of the Alliance in July , the allies will have agreed to create a new multi-year fund to support Ukraine. Stoltenberg said this in an interview with the BBC, UNN reports.


According to him, military support is vital to push russian troops out of Ukraine and force russian leader vladimir putin to abandon his goals of occupying it.

In recent days, NATO's chief has been trying to convince other countries to commit more money to the military effort in Ukraine, hoping for a five-year, 100 billion euro (£86 billion) fund. He said he was confident he would reach an agreement by July, despite some countries expressing hesitation this week

- says  in the interview.

He noted that long-term support for Kyiv is vital even now, as Ukraine recovers from the war.

Even if we believe and hope that the war will end in the near future, we must support Ukraine for many years, build its defense to deter future aggression

- NATO Secretary General is confident. 


NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg has put up for discussion the issue of creating a fund to make assistance to Ukraine more long-term and reliable - even if US support decreases.

Кулеба про фонд НАТО на 100 млрд євро: у нинішній моделі фінансування шансів у цієї ініціативи нуль04.04.24, 21:14


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