
Snovsk in Chernihiv region comes under massive enemy attack with cluster munitions, 3 people wounded - police

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Russian troops conducted a massive shelling of the border town of Snovsk in Chernihiv region, wounding three civilians and damaging residential buildings, cars and civilian infrastructure.

Russian troops conducted a massive shelling of the border town of Snovsk in Chernihiv region, the National Police reported on Monday, UNN reports.


"This afternoon, the town of Snovsk, Koryukiv district, came under a massive enemy attack with cluster munitions. All specialized services are currently working at the scene," the police said.

It is noted that "as a result of the attack, a 39-year-old woman and two men aged 72 and 51 were injured." A number of residential buildings, cars and civilian infrastructure were damaged, police said. 

Investigators are documenting the consequences of the war crime in the framework of proceedings under Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the laws and customs of war).

Армія рф 50 разів за тиждень обстріляла Чернігівщину: зафіксовано 308 вибухів13.05.24, 09:54

Julia Shramko



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