
Slovak Defense Minister: Instead of NATO troops, Ukraine needs to return men from abroad

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According to Slovak Defense Minister Robert Kalyniak, instead of sending NATO troops, combat-ready men who went abroad should be returned to Ukraine. His statement was published on Facebook by the press service of the country's ruling SMER-SSD party, UNN reports .

Of all the refugees we protect, provide them with homes and jobs, there is a group that fits the Ukrainian conscription law. I think this is the biggest help to the Ukrainian army, if it has enough people and men,

- Kalyniak said.

He added that discussions about sending Western troops to Ukraine are "a thick red line, crossing which will significantly increase the risk of global conflict.

Kalyniak accused Western countries and the Slovak opposition of calling for more aid to the Ukrainian military, as this allegedly leads to escalation.

If they were serious about supporting Ukraine and defeating Russia, they would have called for allowing combat-ready Ukrainians to return to their homeland. We have seen the results of the war "to the last Ukrainian," and it is time to look for peaceful solutions. Only by immediately ceasing hostilities can we prevent further bloodshed and restore Ukraine's sovereignty,

- Kalyniak summarized.


As UNN previously reported , Slovak Defense Minister Robert Kaliniak saidthat the war in Ukraine has no military solution and it is time to start peace talks with the participation of the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, the EU and the United States.


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