
Sikorski names the condition under which Poland can shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine

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The Polish Foreign Minister believes that the country has the right to shoot down Russian missiles in Ukrainian airspace if they threaten nuclear power plants. This is Sikorski's personal opinion, no official decisions have been made.

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski says he believes Poland has the right to shoot down Russian missiles in Ukrainian airspace if they threaten nuclear power plants. In an interview with the BBC, Sikorski was asked where the “red lines” between Russia and Ukraine are for Poland and whether Poland has the right to shoot down Russian missiles in Ukrainian airspace, UNN reports.


“The Chornobyl nuclear accident happened in Ukraine. Imagine if one of Russia's drones or missiles goes off course and flies not to Poland or Romania, as has already happened, but hits one of Ukraine's nuclear power plants. I believe that we should help Ukraine protect its nuclear power plants from such stray Russian missiles,” the minister said.

The host asked again: “So you're saying that you can imagine a time when heavy equipment in Poland will shoot down ammunition on the territory of Ukraine that has not crossed your border?

“It is my personal opinion that legally we would have had the right to self-defense. But no decisions have been made on this,” Sikorsky said.

Глава Пентагону і міністр оборони Польщі обговорили військову допомогу Україні30.08.24, 11:41

Lilia Podolyak



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