
Schoolboy with a hammer attacks classmates in Chelyabinsk in Russia, one girl in critical condition

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A 13-year-old student of a correctional school in Chelyabinsk attacked his classmates with a hammer. One girl is in critical condition in intensive care, and a teacher was lightly injured while trying to stop the attacker.

A schoolboy with a hammer attacked his classmates in Chelyabinsk, Russia. One of the victims is in critical condition in the hospital. This is reported by Russian media and telegram channels, UNN writes.


According to SHOT, a 13-year-old student of a correctional school managed to sneak a hammer into the classroom this morning. He took it out, ran toward his classmates and began to randomly strike them. One of the girls was hit the hardest.

According to SHOT, 13-year-old seventh-grader Roma fractured the skull of his classmate, 13-year-old Valeria, with a hammer. The girl was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the regional children's clinical hospital, and doctors are fighting for her life. The girl is reportedly in critical condition.

As SHOT has learned, the attacker did not target his victims, entered the classroom and attacked randomly. A chemistry teacher rushed to save the students and fought back. According to SHOT, the teacher was not seriously injured.

The teenager who attacked his classmates was reportedly seen by a school psychologist, was withdrawn and hardly interacted with his peers. 

"According to preliminary data, the Chelyabinsk teenager who attacked the school was a participant in a suicide game, a death quest. The schoolboy completed tasks that were supposed to end in suicide. But he failed to carry out his plan to the end. After the attack, he was detained. Roman often reflected on the world order, Nazism, the power of weapons, and freedom of speech," writes SHOT.

У Франції чоловік напав на школу та вбив свою колишню вчительку13.10.23, 14:58 • [views_682530]

Julia Shramko

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