
Scandalous Polish MP Grzegorz Brown tore down the flag of Ukraine on The Kosciuszko mound in Krakow: what is known

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Controversial Polish MP Grzegorz Brown tore down the Ukrainian flag from The Kosciuszko mound in Krakow and said that it is necessary to stop the "Ukrainization" of Poland.

The scandalous Polish MP Grzegorz Braun, who last December used a fire extinguisher to extinguish a Hanukkah menorah in the Sejm, got into yet another scandal.This time he tore down the Ukrainian flag on the Kosciuszko Mound in Kraków, which, in his opinion, was in the wrong place.Brown wrote about this on his page on the X social network, UNN reports.


The flag of Ukraine, which turned out to be in the wrong place, I, as an honest person who found it, hand it over to the consulate in Krakow

Brown wrote.

Brown also added anti-Ukrainian hashtags to the post, in particular "stop the Ukrainization of Poland" and "so that Poland is Poland". 

According to the publication Rzeczpospolita, the Ukrainian flag was hung on a flagpole on The Kosciuszko mound shortly after the start of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.


This is not the first scandal involving Brown. In December 2023, Brown used a fire extinguisher to extinguish the Hanukkah menorah in the Sejm, which led to his suspension from the hearing and a potential lawsuit for violating religious rites.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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