
SBU serves notice of suspicion to Russian actor from "Bandit Petersburg" who called for war in Ukraine

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The SBU served a notice of suspicion in absentia to Russian actor Dmitry Pevtsov for publicly supporting Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine and calling for the seizure of state power and the entire territory of Ukraine.

Security Service investigators have served a notice of suspicion in absentia to Russian actor Dmitry Pevtsov from Banditsky Petersburg, who publicly supports Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine. UNN reports this with reference to the SBU press service. 


As noted, Dmitry Pevtsov is a member of the State Duma of Russia and is a member of the close circle of the top military and political leadership of the Russian Federation. 

According to the investigation, Pevtsov repeatedly spoke in support of the Russian occupiers during mass events with Putin's participation. The offender also frequently appeared on the air of central Russian TV channels, where he called for the seizure of state power and the whole of Ukraine.

In addition, in an interview with Kremlin propagandists, he spoke about how he personally voted for the recognition of the "independence" of the temporarily occupied districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. At the same time, he justified the criminal actions of Russian troops and occupation administrations in the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine.

Based on the evidence collected, SBU investigators served Pevtsov a notice of suspicion in absentia under three articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • ч. 3, Art. 109 (actions aimed at violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order or at seizure of state power);
  • ч. 2 Art. 110 (encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine);
  •  Art. 436 (propaganda of war).

Since the actor is in Russia, comprehensive measures are being taken to bring him to justice for crimes against Ukraine, the SBU said.

Правоохоронці повідомили про підозру російській блогерці, яка публічно закликала до геноциду українців23.01.24, 14:26


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