
Russians use parts similar to those used in household fans in the production of aircraft bombs - Ruvin

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Amid the sanctions, the Russians began using parts similar to household fans to produce aircraft bombs, which led to a decrease in quality and efficiency, but preserved their functionality.

Due to the sanctions pressure, Russians began to use parts similar to those used in household fans in the production of aircraft bombs. This was reported by Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, in a commentary to UNN.

Previously, part of the wing opening mechanism on Russian aircraft bombs was more specific in its manufacture, but now it is parts similar to those used in household fans. The function is preserved, but its quality and efficiency are definitely lower. At the same time, this does not change the fact that Russia deliberately uses these weapons against the civilian population of Ukraine and, unfortunately, in many cases their use leads to serious consequences and human casualties

- said Oleksandr Ruvin.

According to him, the sanctions policy is undoubtedly already having an impact, but it is important to continue and strengthen it. The enemy is trying to circumvent the sanctions in every possible way, using third-party intermediation and illegal purchases.

That is why the task of forensic experts is to provide reliable evidence of Russian crimes and create a basis for further sanctions work.

"Most of the work is devoted to the study of microelectronics in Russian weapons, because this is what makes them possible to use in general. We see that high-tech foreign electronic components are in every Russian missile that the enemy uses to attack Ukraine. Without these parts, which are made by American, French, German and other manufacturers, the weapon would simply not exist. The aggressor country does not have enough technology and capacity to produce them. Already now, where possible, Russians are trying to replace foreign components with domestic ones in their missiles, but there are important strategic parts with which it is impossible to do so," summarized the director of KSRIFE.

Недоліки у виробництві, низька якість матеріалів: Рувін пояснив, чому частина ворожих ракет не долітає до України і падає в рф15.01.24, 14:22

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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