
Enemy launched a missile attack on the production infrastructure of Konotop - RMA

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A Russian missile strike targets industrial infrastructure in Konotop, Sumy region; the consequences are being assessed by emergency services.

In Sumy region, the Russian military launched a missile attack on the production infrastructure in Konotop in Sumy region, the consequences are being assessed, the Sumy RMA reported on Tuesday, UNN reports.

The enemy launched a missile attack on the production infrastructure of Konotop. All necessary services are working at the scene. The consequences of the Russian attack are being clarified

- RMA reported on Telegram.

Вночі та зранку росіяни обстріляли дві громади Сумщини, зафіксовано 13 вибухів21.05.24, 09:39

Julia Shramko



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