
Russians forcibly evict residents of the occupied Kherson region - The Resistance Center

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The Russian occupation administration is forcibly evicting residents of Hola Prystan, Kokhaniv and Hladkivka in Kherson region, taking them by bus to temporary accommodation in overcrowded premises in the south of Kherson region and in Crimea, prohibiting them from taking large items with them to free up housing for Russian occupiers and employees.

The Russian occupation administration is carrying out forced evictions of residents of Hola Prystan, Kohany and Hladkivka in the Kherson region. This is reported by the Center for National Resistance, according to UNN

Details [1

The Russian occupiers are transporting the population in buses taken from schools and transportation companies. The population is temporarily accommodated in settlements in the south of Kherson region and in Crimea.

The premises where they are housed are deliberately overcrowded and in poor condition to continue agitating for their transfer to Russia, and to encourage men to register for military service with subsequent mobilization into the occupation army

CNS writes.

The CNS report adds that the occupiers forbid the evacuated population to take any bulky items with them, only hand luggage is allowed.

In this way, the occupiers free up houses and apartments to accommodate Russian occupiers, employees of Russian administrations and Russians who want to move to certain settlements

the statement reads

Meanwhile, the resistance says, the occupiers are setting up a netting on the P57 highway on the Hola Prystan-Tavriyske section. The nets are fixed on trees and poles along the road. They want to protect the equipment from Ukrainian drones.

Колаборанти розпродують землі Азовського узбережжя російським "інвесторам" - Центр спротиву01.05.24, 15:22

Lilia Podolyak



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