
Russia wants to recruit 20 thousand mercenaries to the "African Corps" to expand its influence on the continent - media

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The Kremlin, wishing to expand its positions in Africa, is planning to create a 20,000-strong mercenary army. Former U.S. special envoy to the Sahel J. Peter Pham warns Russia against the consequences of its transition to an "official military role" in Africa.

Russia is creating an army of mercenaries "African Corps" consisting of 20 thousand people to expand its influence on the continent. This was reported by Bloomberg, according to UNN.


In a period of sharp decline in Western influence, the Kremlin is rapidly implementing a strategy to revive its Cold War positions in Africa. The new initiative envisages the creation of an "African Corps" consisting of 20,000 mercenaries based on the experience of the Wagnerian forces, which will not only strengthen Russia's position in the region but will also allow Moscow to maintain control over its business network in Africa.

The new "African Corps" intends to recruit new recruits and former Wagner fighters to deploy a network of bases controlled by the Russian Ministry of Defense in various countries of the continent, including Burkina Faso, Libya, Mali, the Central African Republic and Niger.


Former US Special Envoy to the Sahel J. Peter Pham emphasized that if Russia takes on an "official military role" in Africa, the aggressor country will not be able to deny the UN's accusations against Wagner of committing war crimes on the continent.

If you rebrand these forces as part of the army, you now own the problem

- said J. Peter Pham.

Julia Kotvitskaya

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