
Residents of the occupied crimea are forced to sign contracts with the russian Defense Ministry

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The enemy in the temporarily occupied Crimea is forcing residents to sign contracts with the russian Ministry of Defense, aiming to recruit at least 2,700 people into the russian armed forces.

The occupiers in the occupied Crimea are forcing people to sign contracts with the russian Ministry of Defense. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.


In the temporarily occupied Crimea, residents are required to sign contracts with the Ministry of the russian federation.

According to the plan set by the kremlin, at least 2,700 people should join the russian armed forces. However, there are practically no people willing to fight against Ukraine in the Crimean territories.

To attract more people, the collaborators are using a propaganda campaign involving volunteers. From now on, each military commissariat will have two volunteers who will convince potential volunteers to join the army.

In addition, mobilization continues in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. As part of the forced passportization process, russian occupiers are forcing Ukrainians to register with fake "military registration and enlistment offices" while denying the fact of mobilization.

Окупанти примушують до паспортизації мешканців ТОТ перед "виборами путіна" - Центр нацспротиву23.01.24, 18:10

Julia Kotvitskaya



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