
Resident of Moscow fined for "discrediting" the army because of his yellow and blue hair

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A Moscow resident is fined 50,000 rubles for "discrediting" the Russian army because of his yellow and blue hair, which looks like the Ukrainian flag.

A resident of Moscow was fined 50 thousand rubles for an article about "discrediting" the army because of his yellow and blue hair, UNN reports with reference to Mediazona.

On May 3, Stas Netesov was found guilty of "discrediting" the Russian army. The ruling was published on the website of the Moscow courts, but the amount of the fine was not specified.

Жителя Чити оштрафували за переказ сну із Зеленським. На його матір теж склали протоколи - за "лайки"15.12.22, 14:37 • [views_919890]

According to Netesov, on April 28, he came to the Tverskoy District Police Department to file a complaint. The day before, he had been attacked by unidentified men in the center of Moscow - they stole the young man's phone and knocked out his tooth.

However, the police noticed Netesov's hair and drew up a report against him. It stated that Netesov, in the lobby of the MIA department, "demonstrated a means of visual agitation in the form of dyed hair with yellow and blue stripes, which coincides with the state flag of the Republic of Ukraine".

In court, according to the ruling, Netesov said that "at 08:00 he was in the lobby of the police department, at that time his hair was dyed light blue and yellow". According to him, he does not support "either the Ukrainian regime or the Russian Armed Forces" and did not want to express anything with his hairstyle. Netesov explained that he has been dyeing his hair bright colors since 2017.

Judge Anna Malakhova considered Netesov's explanations that he "dyed his hair in bright colors, did not show the flag of Ukraine, and did not discredit the armed forces of the Russian Federation" to be "untenable". According to Malakhova, the words of the Muscovite "are not objectively confirmed by anything and are refuted by the case file, and there are no grounds to question them.


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