
Putin's party office set on fire in Russia: what is known

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In Perm, Russia, two women burned down the United Russia office with Molotov cocktails. The women are currently wanted. This is reported by the Russian media, UNN reports.

Two women threw Molotov cocktails into the building of the United Russia office at 12 Plekhanov Street in Perm. A fire broke out, it has been extinguished, and the arsonists are being searched for.

Eyewitnesses managed to take pictures of two women who allegedly participated in the arson of the United Russia office.

According to eyewitnesses, one of them caught fire, but another woman managed to put it out.

According to one version, they could have been forced to do so by phone scammers.

В рф двоє школярів спалили гелікоптер Мі-8: що відомо 11.09.24, 11:34

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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