
The world can achieve global unity at the second Peace Summit: Zelensky at the UN

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine is preparing to hold the second Peace Summit, which will include the release of prisoners and the restoration of territorial integrity. The President called on the leaders of all countries to support joint efforts for a lasting and just peace and added that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has already stolen a lot, but he will never deprive the world of its future. Zelensky said this during a speech at the UN General Assembly, UNN reports.

It is very important that the world does its best to develop an optimal vision for all of humanity. Once such a collective effort is adopted, the real interests will always prevail. Ukraine supports the efforts to ensure that all countries are united in security, and that all fully comply with the UN provisions, and that everyone sees someone who is not against this, but also someone who is actively doing everything to undermine global unity. We are now working on a pact for the future. Now a small group led by Russia is acting destructively again. They have always opposed global initiatives aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the UN Charter. This group always behaves like this when the UN tries to do something, always tries to do something for the public good, and everyone sees it 

- Zelensky said.

He noted that the world can achieve global unity at the second Peace Summit.

We all know very well that we can achieve global unity here at the UN, as well as at the Peace Summit, where we are trying to overcome the destructive policies of Russia and its allies. We are preparing for the next summit together with our partners, working step by step in accordance with the Peace Formula, working to ensure food security and to make Russia accountable for its terror. We will work on all other parts of the Peace Formula, including the release of prisoners, the restoration of territorial integrity. We will prepare a document to present it at the second Peace Summit. I call on the leaders of all countries to support our joint efforts for a lasting and just peace. Putin has already stolen much, but he will never rob the world of its future

- Zelensky added.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy saidthat the next few months will be crucial in the war against Russia, as Ukraine does not have much time.

"Світ потребує лідерства та рішучості": Зеленський відреагував на рішення саміту щодо реформи ООН 22.09.24, 20:19


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