
Purchase of wood for the construction of fortifications will take place through Prozorro Market

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The Ministry of economy has allowed the purchase of wood for the construction of fortifications through the electronic catalog Prozorro Market, which allows the military to purchase materials three times faster than at open auctions.

The purchase of wood for the construction of fortifications will be carried out through the electronic catalog Prozorro Market. This will allow the military to buy materials three times faster than open auctions. This was reported in the Ministry of Economy, writes UNN.


The state organization "professional procurement", which manages Prozorro Market in the segment of everyday goods, has developed tools for purchasing. They added more than 180 specifications to purchase the round timber needed to build fortifications.

Due to the active construction of defensive structures, the efficiency of wood supply is important for the military, so it was decided to make purchases through Prozorro Market. The purchase procedure in this electronic catalog takes an average of only 9 days, which is three times faster compared to open auctions.

So that the military can quickly purchase wood necessary for the construction of fortifications, we have added these items to the electronic catalog. In addition, purchases through Prozorro Market can save not only time, but also financial resources. Practice shows that when buying through an e-catalog, the average price is up to 20% lower than during individual tenders

- says Deputy Minister of economy Nadezhda begun.

Through Prozorro Market, military units will be able to get the best prices and save money by purchasing wood directly from the manufacturer - SE "forests of Ukraine". 63 branches of this state-owned enterprise are already qualified for the e-catalog.

In a few days, the professional purchasing team adapted the electronic catalog to meet the needs of the CAA. We have significantly increased the range of wood, qualified suppliers - we have done everything possible to ensure that purchases can be made conveniently and quickly. Prozorro Market is very popular for closing defense needs,

- said Dmitry Solovey, deputy director of professional procurement for development.

According to him, in addition to wood, you can buy drones, fuel, office equipment, and so on.


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the procedure for accepting, maintaining, maintaining and keeping records of Military Engineering and fortifications.

Iryna Kolesnik



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