
Prokudin: More than 30 thousand objects suffered from shelling in Kherson region

 • 16574 переглядiв

More than 30,000 infrastructure facilities were damaged by shelling in the Kherson region, including more than 27,000 residential buildings. The head of the Kherson RMA, Oleksandr Prokudin, said this during a telethon, UNN reports .

In general, due to Russian aggression, we now have more than 30,000 damaged or completely destroyed facilities

- said Prokudin.

According to him, more than 27,000 residential buildings and 1,200 high-rise buildings were damaged.

Prokudin also said that about UAH 1 billion 720 million in compensation was allocated under the eRestoration program.


Russian troops shelled Kherson, killing a 27-year-old local resident.

Iryna Kolesnik



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