
Preparations for the Peace Summit: Zelenskyy tells details of conversation with European Council President

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President Zelenskyy discussed with President of the European Council Charles Michel preparations for the Peace Summit to achieve a just peace.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy had a telephone conversation with President of the European Council Charles Michel to discuss the necessary steps to make the Peace Summit as effective as possible. This was reported by the head of state  on Tuesday, UNN reports.

We discussed in detail the preparations for the Peace Summit. We appreciate the desire of the President of the European Council to make the Summit as effective as possible, and thus bring real and just peace as close as possible

- Zelensky wrote on social media. 

The President said that he and Michel had coordinated joint steps for the near future. Zelensky thanked Michel for his constructive approach.

"There should be no alternatives to true peace, and I am glad that we are united in this with all the leaders and peoples who value the UN Charter and want it to work to the fullest," Zelensky added.

Голова Євроради обговорив із Зеленським Саміт миру: наголосив на важливості глобальної участі28.05.24, 10:52


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