
Power outage schedules are being reduced today thanks to solar power plants - Ukrenergo

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The schedule of power outages was shortened due to an increase in solar energy production, which avoided outages from 10:00 to 15:00 on June 18.

The schedules of power outages have been shortened, leaving them only from 3 p.m., due to the more active operation of solar power plants, NPC Ukrenergo reported on Tuesday, UNN writes.


"Today, on June 18, the period of validity of consumption restrictions in all regions has been reduced: the schedules of hourly outages have been canceled from 10:00 to 15:00. The reason is more active work of solar power plants," Ukrenergo said on social media.

As stated, "from 15:00 to 24:00, consumption will be limited according to the schedules established by the oblenergos".

If the situation in the power grid changes, they promise to inform about the change in the time of the consumption restriction.

Графіки відключень скасовані до 15:00 - ДТЕК18.06.24, 10:09

Julia Shramko



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