
Portugal's far-right party wants to join Orban's alliance - Politico

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Portugal's far-right party Cega plans to join Viktor Orban's newly formed right-wing Patriots of Europe alliance in the European Parliament.

The Portuguese far-right party Cega has expressed its readiness to join the newly formed right-wing alliance led by Hungarian leader Viktor Orban, who is seeking to form an influential group in the European Parliament. This was reported by Politico, UNNwrote.

André Ventura, president of Čega, said that two recently elected MPs from his party plan to join the Patriots of Europe group, which includes representatives of Hungary's Fidesz, Austria's Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the Czech movement Action of Disgruntled Citizens (ANO).

The executive committee of Chega intends to vote on this decision on Tuesday. Ventura expressed confidence that other right-wing parties will soon join the new faction. Viktor Orbán, along with Herbert Kikló of the FPÖ and Andrej Babiš of the ANO, officially presented the group on Sunday, proclaiming it potentially the strongest right-wing force in European politics.

The European people want three things: peace, order and development. All they get from the current Brussels elite is war, migration and stagnation

The decision of the Čega party to join the Patriots of Europe was a key one for this group, as the formation of a new parliamentary faction requires representation from at least a quarter of the 27 EU member states.

Although the three founding parties together have more than the 23 MPs needed to form a group, the addition of the Portuguese MPs brings Orban closer to recognizing them as a political group in parliament. Now, for official recognition, they need to attract representatives from the other three countries.


The right-wing parties of Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic have announced the creation of a new far-right faction, Patriots for Europe, in the European Parliament, which will fight against the "Brussels establishment.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban says that it is precisely because of the desire of NATO member states to defeat Russia that the Alliance is contributing to the war in Ukraine

Iryna Kolesnik

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