
Polish court allows carriers to resume blockade at the border

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Polish carriers may protest at the Dorohusk border crossing starting December 18 after a regional court ruled against the local mayor's decision to deny the protest. The court's decision is effective immediately, although the mayor may appeal.

Starting Monday, December 18, Polish carriers may once again start protesting in front of the Polish-Ukrainian border crossing in Dorohusk. This decision was made by the Regional Court in Lublin, rmf24.pl reports, according to UNN.


The court considered the appeal of Polish carriers against the decision of of Doroho community mayor Wojciech Sawa, who did not agree to such a protest.

According to the court, the decision is not in line with the law on fees. The decision is subject to immediate execution, but the starosta may appeal the court's decision in the court of appeal. The mayor of the Doroho community does not yet know whether he will file an appeal, as he has not seen the court decision.

I have not yet decided whether I will appeal the court ruling. У I have 24 hours to do so. We have not yet received the reasoning, we are waiting for only then will we be able to appeal this decision

said the official.

He is confident that his decision was correct.

Even today, if you look, the line is already up to Doroguska. I think it will be a big security threat. The queue has already reached 60 kilometers and I think it will grow

he said.


Dorohusk community head Wojciech Sawa has not allowed a new protest to take place a new protest of carriers on the access road to the "Yagodyn-Dorogusk border crossing point on the border with Ukraine.

By revoking the permission to protest on the access road to the to the border crossing with Ukraine, Wojciech Sawa referred to the prerequisite provided for by the the statutory prerequisite - a threat to property of a significant size.

Strike of Polish carriers: European Commission calls to unblock remaining border crossing points without delay 12.12.23, 14:16 - [views_0]

Lilia Podolyak



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