
Pletenchuk: Situation in Kherson sector remains under control, marines make progress

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The situation in the Kherson sector remains under control, with Ukrainian marines holding their positions and advancing despite Russian attacks that were repelled with significant enemy losses.

The situation in the Kherson sector remains under control, the Marines continue to hold their ground and make progress. There have been no significant changes in this section of the front. The occupiers have also not attempted to storm the island of Nestryga for some time to establish control over it.

This was announced by the spokesman for the Southern Defense Forces, Dmytro Pletenchuk, during a telethon, UNN reports .


In our area of responsibility, the most lively events are taking place in the Kherson region. As for the actual fighting, while there was only one attack on Staromayorsk and Robotyn yesterday, there were 10 attacks on Krynky. But all of them were unsuccessful, and the enemy was forced to retreat back to their positions, suffering losses. Therefore, I cannot say that there have been any significant changes in this section of the frontline. The Marines continue to stand, have successes and I can say that the situation remains under control

- Pletenchuk said.

According to him, the occupiers have not been trying to storm Nestryga Island for some time to establish control over it.


Over the past day, 113 combat engagements took place between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Russian occupiers in various parts of the frontline, during which Ukrainian troops successfully repelled numerous Russian attacks and inflicted significant losses on the enemy.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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