
Petition to award Iryna Farion the title of Hero of Ukraine posthumously gained the 25 thousand votes required for consideration

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The petition to posthumously award Iryna Farion the title of Hero of Ukraine received the required 25,000 votes. The author of the petition noted her contribution to strengthening the position of the state language and preserving Ukrainian statehood.

A petition published on the government's website calling for the posthumous awarding of the title of Hero of Ukraine to linguist and public figure Iryna Farion has received the 25,000 votes necessary for consideration . UNN writes about this with reference to the government's website for electronic petitions.


The number of signatures on a petition to the government to award Iryna Farion the title of "Hero of Ukraine" posthumously has crossed the 25,000-vote threshold required for consideration. So far, 25,211 people have signed the petition.

The petition was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 24. Its author, Mykhailo Sheveliuk, noted that Iryna Farion had been strengthening the position of the state language for many years and had made a significant contribution to the preservation of Ukrainian statehood in the face of constant cultural and informational expansion of Russia.

In view of her many years of significant scientific, educational, pedagogical, political activities aimed at strengthening the status of the state language and the very statehood of Ukraine,  we, the undersigned, request that the title of Hero of Ukraine (posthumously) be awarded to Iryna Farion

- the petition reads.


On August 27, a memorial plaque was unveiled on the facade of the house where linguist Iryna Farion lived. About a hundred people came to the unveiling and lit candles in memory of the deceased.

And the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council decided to rename Hvardiyska Street in honor of Iryna Farion. It also plans to hold book fairs and call for communication in Ukrainian when providing services.

Знайдений пістолет під час обшуків у справі Фаріон направляється на експертизу, пошуки знаряддя вбивства тривають22.08.24, 16:04

Anastasia Ryabokon



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