
Peace summit, support for Ukraine's air defense, and assistance in reconstruction: Zelensky met with Maloney

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Zelenskyy met with Italian Prime Minister Meloni to discuss Italy's support for Ukraine's air defense, the Peace Summit, and joint projects to rebuild Odesa region.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Italian Prime Minister Giorgio Meloni. They talked about Italy's support for Ukraine's air defense, the Peace Summit, and joint projects to restore Odesa region, UNN reports. 

I had a productive meeting with Giorgia Meloni. I personally thank Giorgi and the whole of Italy for their security, political, financial and humanitarian support for Ukraine and Ukrainians. I am grateful for all the efforts aimed at protecting lives. We discussed the next steps of our cooperation, including Italy's support for Ukraine's air defense system 

- Zelensky said on Telegram.

The leaders also discussed the first, inaugural Peace Summit and its expected results.

"I am deeply grateful to Georgie for her active assistance, which aims to involve as many leaders and states as possible in the Summit and bring a fair peace closer," Zelenskyy emphasized.

In addition, we discussed our joint projects with Italy aimed at helping Ukraine rebuild Odesa and the Odesa region.

"Cooperation adds social strength to both our countries. I also highly appreciate Italy's decision to organize the next Ukraine Recovery Conference in Rome in 2025," the President of Ukraine summarized.

Зеленський зустрівся з лідерами G7 на саміті та отримав чітку підтримку України13.06.24, 18:03 • [views_13157]

Antonina Tumanova



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