
Peace Summit in Switzerland: tentative program released

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The two-day Peace Summit will begin in Switzerland on June 15 with the arrival of delegations, followed by opening ceremonies, speeches by leaders and a joint photo, and a closing press conference on June 16.

A two-day Peace Summit starts in Switzerland on Saturday, June 15. The Swiss government has published a tentative program of public events at the conference, UNN reports.

June 15 (local time):

  • Arrival of heads of delegations by 16:30 in the afternoon
  • 13:30 - Press statements by Swiss President Viola Amherd and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy 
  • 16:00 - heads of delegations leave for the opening 
  • 16:30-17:30 - official welcome ceremony 
  • 17:30 - opening statements
  • 19:00 - joint photo  

June 16 (local time):

14:30 - final press conference

Followed by - press conference by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Followed by - press conference of Swiss President Viola Amherd and Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis 


The high-level conference will be held in Burgenstock. The aim of the meeting of heads of state and government is to develop a common understanding of the path to a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. This should become the basis for the peace process.

У Швейцарії заявили, що на Саміт миру зареєструвалися 90 країн та організацій10.06.24, 10:57 • [views_23376]

Julia Shramko



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