
Danish manufacturer of a famous slimming drug invests $200 million in quantum computing startups

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Novo Holdings plans to invest about $200 million in quantum computing startups, especially those focused on life sciences in Scandinavia, to harness the technology's potential to accelerate drug development.

Novo Holdings, which is the controlling shareholder of the Danish pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk, has announced its intention to invest approximately $200 million in quantum computing startups. This was reported by UNN with reference to Reuters.


The investment arm of the Novo Nordisk Foundation, which owns 77% of Novo Nordisk, has announced new investments in quantum computing startups.

Novo Holdings has announced its intention to foster an ecosystem of quantum computing startups, with a particular focus on life sciences companies based in the Nordic countries. The use of quantum technologies in the development of pharmaceuticals and other life sciences can significantly accelerate the process of discovering new medicines.

Quantum technology is a disruptive and transformative field that has the potential to revolutionize various sectors and solve global problems. Our ultimate goal is to create, grow and develop strong quantum technology companies in Scandinavia

- said Soren Moller, Managing Partner for Investments at Novo Holdings.

Experts consider quantum computing to be one of the potentially most revolutionary technological developments of the 21st century. Technology companies and governments are actively working to develop machines that use the principles of quantum mechanics to perform scientific calculations that traditional computers could only perform over millions of years.


Novo Nordisk is planning to build a mega-factory for the production of obesity drugs in Ireland to create 1,100 jobs and increase production capacity.

Дослідники застосували лазери для розробки мережі квантового зв’язку08.02.23, 00:35 • [views_897615]

Iryna Kolesnik



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