
Oil depot on fire in Kursk - Russia claims Ukrainian UAV hit

 • 102456 переглядiв

An oil depot in Russia's Kursk region catches fire after the governor accuses Ukraine of attacking it with an unmanned aerial vehicle.

An oil depot caught fire in Kursk as a result of a drone strike, no one was injured. This was reported by the governor of the Russian region Roman Starovoit, UNN reports.


The Russian governor of the Kursk region accused Ukraine of the attack.

A fire broke out at an oil depot in the Kursk region as a result of a Ukrainian UAV attack. According to preliminary information, there were no casualties. All special services are now working at the scene. Please remain calm

the official wrote.

Local telegram channels publish videos from the scene.

Атака росіян по нафтобазі у Харкові призвела до витоку 3000 тонн нафти в навколишнє середовище, екологи перевіряють воду у річці Уди12.02.24, 22:44

Lilia Podolyak



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