
Occupied Donetsk is on fire: there may have been a "hit" at the oil depot

 • 32738 переглядiв

Oil depot on fire in occupied Donetsk, possibly due to shelling

It's hot in occupied Donetsk - according to preliminary data, an oil depot is on fire, UNN reports with reference to the Telegram channel "Typical Donetsk".


The Telegram channel published a photo of a large-scale fire, which is likely the result of an "arrival". 

The information about the "arrival" at the oil depot in Donetsk is also confirmed by the Telegram channel "Berdiansk Segodnya".

"An oil depot is on fire in the temporarily occupied Donetsk," the message says.

We add

Earlier, local media reported the operation of air defense between Chornomorske and Mizhvodne in occupied Crimea.

Antonina Tumanova



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