
Occupants shelled Sloviansk: 5 wounded, including a 2-year-old girl

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The Russian army shelled Sloviansk. Five people were wounded, including a 2-year-old girl. This was reported by the head of the Donetsk RMA Vadim Filashkin, UNN reports.

"At least 5 people were wounded - these are the preliminary results of the shelling of Sloviansk. Among the wounded is a 2-year-old girl, she received minor injuries and was taken to the hospital," the statement said.

According to Filashkin, the Russians shelled the town this evening. Six multi-storey buildings, an enterprise, an administrative building and 2 cars were damaged.

"Authorities and responsible services are working on the spot. Take care of yourselves! Evacuate!" - summarized the head of RMA.

Троє загиблих і 12 поранених, серед яких дитина – наслідки ворожих обстрілів Донеччини за добу07.10.24, 10:55

Antonina Tumanova



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