
Occupants offer "humanitarian aid" to pensioners in TOT for votes in the pseudo-presidential elections in Russia

 • 20132 переглядiв

The occupiers offer "humanitarian aid" to pensioners in the occupied Ukrainian territories for participating in the pseudo-presidential elections in Russia to inflate the turnout and legitimize the occupation.

Pensioners living in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine are offered "humanitarian aid" by the invaders for voting in the pseudo-presidential elections in Russia. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports .

The occupiers promise pensioners in the temporarily occupied territories 5 thousand rubles for participating in the farce called "presidential elections in Russia.

- the statement said.


It is noted that the enemy is making house-to-house visits and offering "humanitarian aid," but the condition for receiving it is to fill out a ballot. Funds are given even without a Russian passport.

Such actions are aimed at inflating the turnout, which, according to the Kremlin, should legalize the occupation. However, the "elections", like the occupation, will not be recognized by the world, no matter what actions Moscow takes.


In the occupied territories, Russia has started holding a so-called festival of youth aimed at spreading pro-Kremlin propaganda during Putin's election campaign.

Olga Rozgon



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