
Number of wounded increased due to shelling in Nikopol region the day before

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Number of wounded due to shelling in Nikopol region on December 21 increased. A 62-year-old man with shrapnel wounds turned to doctors. with shrapnel wounds. This was reported by the head of the OVA Serhiy Lysak, reports UNN.

A man turned to us for help A 62-year-old man from the Marhanets community. He had received shrapnel wounds. He will be treated at home

 informed Sergiy Lysak.


He also noted that the night in the region was free of shelling after a day of loud Russian strikes.


Yesterday evening , the Russian army struck with drones and heavy artillery. In Nikopol, an industrial enterprise and a church were destroyed. In addition, a five-story building and 7 private houses were damaged. Two outbuildings were destroyed to the ground, and another 6 were smashed.

Lilia Podolyak



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