
Not inferior to Western counterparts: another domestic demining machine presented in Ukraine

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The new Ukrainian demining machine presented is as good as its Western counterparts and can clear 5,000 square meters of terrain per hour.

Ukraine has presented the third model of a domestic demining vehicle. The development was demonstrated on February 21 at one of the test sites. UNN reports this with reference to the Ministry of Economy. 

Details [1

The new demining machine was created by the Ukrainian company efarm pro in cooperation with Sumy-based agricultural machinery manufacturers.

"We pay great attention to supporting domestic inventors and manufacturers working in the mine action field. After all, establishing the production of the necessary machinery and equipment in Ukraine will allow us to meet the needs of operators faster and at a lower cost. In addition, it will create new jobs for people in production facilities and bring revenues to the budget," said Yulia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Economy.

As noted,  the new demining machine is as good as the best Western counterparts in terms of its characteristics. The Ukrainian machine is based on the chassis of a T-156 tractor and is capable of clearing 5,000 square meters of land per hour. The Croatian DOK-ING MV-10 clears about the same amount of land.

Третина України, або понад 174 тис. квадратних кілометрів, залишається замінованою02.02.24, 14:47

The domestic development has also demonstrated a very high density of tillage - the distance between the strips processed by the machine's working mechanism is only 2 centimeters.

"Now we have to certify the machine and launch mass production. The equipment was developed by efarm pro together with manufacturers, so there is no need to look for additional capacity to manufacture and, if necessary, repair the machines. Given the needs of operators for demining machines, there will be demand for the equipment,"  said Deputy Minister of Economy Ihor Bezkaravaynyi.

Машини для розмінування, БПЛА та снаряди: Німеччина передала Україні новий пакет військової допомоги16.02.24, 17:35

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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