
No fewer enemy infantry attacks with a small amount of armor in the Tavrian sector - Tarnavskyi

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Over the past day, Ukraine neutralized 207 Russian drones in the Tauride sector. Russia continues infantry attacks supported by small amounts of armored vehicles. Total Russian losses amounted to more than 500 personnel and dozens of vehicles.

The number of enemy infantry attacks in the Tauride sector continues to increase, with the use of armored vehicles in small numbers. At the same time, minus 207 enemy drones in this direction over the past day. This was reported on Monday by the commander of the operational and strategic grouping of troops "Tavria" Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, UNN reports.

Over the last day, 207 enemy UAVs of various types were neutralized or destroyed. The number of infantry attacks is not decreasing. The enemy is currently using armored vehicles to support manpower in small amounts

- Tarnavskyi wrote on Telegram.

According to the commander, the enemy launched three missile strikes, fired 49 combat engagements and made 835 artillery attacks in the Tavria operational area. "The invaders have not carried out air strikes for almost three days," he added.

"Our defenders are steadfastly holding the line and conducting active operations in the designated areas," Tarnavskyi said.

According to the commander, total enemy losses in this area yesterday amounted to 567 people and 37 pieces of military equipment, excluding UAVs. In particular, 4 tanks, 12 armored personnel carriers, 19 vehicles and 2 units of special equipment. Ukrainian defense forces also destroyed 1 enemy ammunition depot.

Ще плюс 1070 окупантів та 10 танків: Генштаб оновив дані про втрати ворога29.01.24, 07:57


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