
NACP did not receive 131 resolutions from the government to conduct anti-corruption expertise: the Prime Minister was issued an order

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The NACP ordered Prime Minister Shmyhal to eliminate violations of anti-corruption legislation after failing to review 131 government resolutions. These resolutions relate to areas with high corruption risks.

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) has issued an order to Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal to eliminate violations of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" due to the failure to receive 131 resolutions for anti-corruption expertise. UNN reports this with reference to the press service of the agency. 

In 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted 131 resolutions in violation of Article 55 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" in terms of failure to submit drafts of relevant regulations for anti-corruption expertise

- the NACP said in a statement.


As noted, these resolutions include a number of those related to socially important areas of life. In particular, the approval of budgets of social insurance funds, provision of housing for certain categories of citizens, issues related to cultural heritage sites, elimination of the consequences of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation,  creation of various centers for support and protection of the civilian population, etc. 

These areas also include those that are leaders in terms of corruption risks. In particular, the government did not send for anti-corruption expertise resolutions concerning customs issues, border crossing, changes to the procedures for the use of funds, etc. 

"The National Agency demands to conduct an internal investigation to establish the causes and conditions that led to these violations, to take measures to eliminate them, and to bring to disciplinary responsibility the guilty officials of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the relevant central executive authorities," the NACP said. 


The NACP's orders are binding. For failure to comply with the order, the head of the body, enterprise, institution, or organization shall be liable under Article 188-46 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

НАЗК перевірить президента "Енергоатома" Котіна після розслідування "Схем"05.01.24, 15:57

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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