
MP: Extension of martial law and mobilization passed parliamentary committee

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Ukrainian parliamentary committee supports extension of martial law and general mobilization

The relevant parliamentary committee supported the Verkhovna Rada's approval of presidential decrees extending martial law and general mobilization until May 13, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak said on Tuesday, UNN reports.

The Defense Committee supported the parliament's approval of decrees (10457 and 10456) on the extension of martial law and general mobilization. Decrees 18 and 20 were approved unanimously. From February 14, 2023 for 90 days. Accordingly, until May 13, 2024

- Zheleznyak wrote on Telegram.

According to him, the next step is to get parliamentary approval.

Зеленський вніс у Раду законопроєкти щодо продовження воєнного стану і мобілізації05.02.24, 10:23


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